Preventative Eye Care

Eyes Are The Story

I recently met Amy Gallant Sullivan, the CEO and Founder of Boston-based bio-beauty startup ĂˆSSIRI Labs. It was great to meet…

2 years ago

Oral Meds that Cause Dry Eye

Here is a list of oral medications that cause dry eye:

2 years ago

Allergy season is coming!

Yesterday, a "wall of pollen" turned the sky a yellowish-green over the greater Boston area, and several patients came in…

3 years ago

Are Your Eyes Getting Enough Oxygen?

We need oxygen to breathe and so do our eyes. Blood vessels deliver the oxygen from our lungs to the…

3 years ago

Preventative Eye Care Treatments for “Eye Floaters”

Do you see little dark blobs floating around when you look at a white background? You are not alone. I…

3 years ago

Prevent Dry Eye before it’s Permanent

Do you have dry eyes? Chances are your eye doctor told you to use artificial tears. Like these ones: Retaine…

3 years ago

What to expect when turning 40

Every day I have the same conversation with a patient who just turned 40. Every. single. day. The conversation goes…

3 years ago

The Cost of Non-Preventative Eye Care

Today a patient told me that they would rather get a $20 exam from 1-800-Contacts than come in to see…

3 years ago

Hard Contact Lens Care

It's been recently brought to my attention that my hard contact lens wearing patients have it a lot harder than…

3 years ago

Preventative Eye Care Treatment for Blepharitis: BlephEx

I love this video so much I think it deserves it's own post. It just does such a great job…

3 years ago