Dry Eye Syndrome

Prevent Dry Eye Disease with Lumenis OptiLight IPL

Dry eye disease is becoming increasingly common, affecting millions of people worldwide. Thischronic condition can significantly impact your life, sometimes…

2 years ago

Eyes Are The Story

I recently met Amy Gallant Sullivan, the CEO and Founder of Boston-based bio-beauty startup ĂˆSSIRI Labs. It was great to meet…

2 years ago

Oral Meds that Cause Dry Eye

Here is a list of oral medications that cause dry eye:

2 years ago

Are Your Eyes Getting Enough Oxygen?

We need oxygen to breathe and so do our eyes. Blood vessels deliver the oxygen from our lungs to the…

3 years ago

Prevent Dry Eye before it’s Permanent

Do you have dry eyes? Chances are your eye doctor told you to use artificial tears. Like these ones: Retaine…

3 years ago

The Cost of Non-Preventative Eye Care

Today a patient told me that they would rather get a $20 exam from 1-800-Contacts than come in to see…

3 years ago

Preventative Eye Care Treatment for Blepharitis: BlephEx

I love this video so much I think it deserves it's own post. It just does such a great job…

3 years ago

Demodex: the mites that live on your eyelids

Do you experience dryness, itching, fatigue, pain, blurred vision, light sensitivity or redness in your eyes? Then chances are you…

3 years ago